Rtn. M Sirajul Islam

Modern Education Center
Phone : +8801777 294495
Email : modern.lcbd@gmail.com

Message from the Chairman

Modern Education Center was founded 7 years ago. From the beginning the center has been supporting the learners of Bangladesh with reputation and utmost sincerity. We are successfully teaching and consulting for higher study in Japan.

Modern Education Center is a prominent Japanese Language & Cultural Institute in Bangladesh. Furthermore, it is a professional Education Consultancy Firm that provides services and supports to the students of all over Bangladesh for higher study Opportunities Across the World. Our main objective is to improve educational standards through counseling and guiding the students and parents as well.

We are working with different organizations in Japan as an alliance so that the learners of Bangladesh may get easier access to study there and settle them as well. Our students regularly attend all the cultural events organized by the Embassy of Japan in Bangladesh. It may also be mentioned here that many many students are studying and working as well in Japan through our Modern Education Center.

We have designed our language training center with state-of-the-art operating systems. Any student who enters the school [the center] will realize what type of institute it is! Our language teachers are highly qualified in their own fields. Multiple peers of successful students are living proof that our unique teaching/learning system.

Our Mission

Modern Education Center is a professional Education Consultancy firm, provides service to students all over Bangladesh and vives higher study Opportunities Across the World. Our main Object is to improve educational Standards by Counseling students and parents.

Our Vission

Our main vision is to make Japan the number one destination for students for their higher education and for job seekers for their future career. We also have a vision to teach the advanced level of Japanese Language at Modern Education Center Bangladesh for the bright future in Japan.